The Internet Reliance in Today's Economy survey of 2119 people aged 18-plus, said that 65 per cent of adults admitted they can't live without the internet.
According to the survey, conducted by Harris Interactive, nearly half of women (46 per cent) and 30 per cent of men would rather go without sex for a fortnight than give up internet access.
For women aged 18-34 it was 49 per cent and for women aged 35-44 it was 52 per cent. Only 39 per cent of guys aged 18-34 would swap the bedroom for the broadband.
Television also copped a beating in the survey with well over half the respondents preferring to give up two weeks of telly than a single week of web access.
Internet availability of many movies and TV shows likely skewed the result, which showed 61 per cent of adult women would happily switch off the box.
And nine out of 10 US adults (91 per cent) report that their lives are better because of the internet, taking into account better contact with friends and family, shopping and financial management like online banking
When I read that nearly half the women surveyed felt this way, I had a number of purely instinctive reactions.
First came the notion that the Harris Interactive surveyors, at the behest of Intel, had merely been screening women who work in IT. Which would have made the results entirely understandable. For so many reasons.
However, then I shook off this conception in favor of a simple explanation: perhaps it's the men these women are choosing (not) to have sex with. The slightly more than 50% who could not give up on, as Richard Nixon would put it, fornication, were possibly either fortunate to be in a rare, healthy relationship with a man or preferred the intimacy of women.
So many men can be, as they put it across distant shores, toerags. And the sexual quality that was (not) enjoyed by this worrying percentage of females might reflect male insensitivity and incompetence rather than some lasting lust for the web.
Does she look really happy to you?(Credit: CC Jared)
While I am obviously unable to help with the immediate need for finding better sexual partners, I can, in an attempt to influence Dawn's Readers Poll, offer Six Deadly Reasons why sex will always outscore the internet.
1. When a man crashes, he generally does so after sex. A laptop will often choose to crash right in the middle of the video you've been just dying to see.
2. Sex takes up so much less time than the internet. With sex, twenty minutes can give you a considerable spike of adrenalin and even a little tingling of the fingers in the company of a living and, usually, breathing human being.
With the internet you can lose untold days socially networking till your fingers believe they've just played Rachmaninoff's 3rd at the Lincoln Center. And what do you get for it? A bunch more imaginary friends.
3. When it comes to sex, you've normally had dinner first. Which means that it is far less messy than most people's evenings on the laptop.
They perch it on their knees, fingering the keyboard with their left hand while reaching for Domino's finest cheese, pepperoni and green pepper with their right.
If they're not crisp with their bite, the cheese stretches out like a ghost in a cartoon movie, until it makes contact with the keyboard, sticking to it and sliding into the cracks between the keys. Before they know it, their Apple is cheddared.
4. Sex exposes you for exactly who you are. There you lie, entirely denuded of pretense, being as much yourself as you could ever be outside of, perhaps, when you play golf. On the internet, by contrast, everyone lies. The interactions you have are as false as a flamenco dancer's eyelashes. How can anyone take pleasure in that?
5. Sex gives you something to talk about. It gives the tabloids something to write about. Which gives people something to read about. Which gives them something to talk about. Can you ever imagine a publication solely devoted to what Britney Spears and her fellow cohort of stars do on the internet? How crashingly dull that would be.
6. The internet will always be there tomorrow. What about your lover?